Beginning Photography Portfolio
Lecture Notes
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Handouts: Portfolio assignment,
Announcement: bring cameras next week.
Rule: clean up after yourself, keep everything clean.
Suggestion: wear old clothes or lab coat, especially on days you process film.
Camera suggestions: Canon Rebel 2000, Nikon, Pentax, Minolta.
Store suggestions: Camera Arts at 57th and H Street, Filco on East Bidwell in Folsom,
B & H online, Ritz online & brick.
Photographic Materials available in Student Pack, such as by Ilford.
Sample costs for materials:
20 rolls film/semester @ $5 = $100.00
4/25 sheet packs paper(100 sheets) = 40.00
loupe (10X) = 10.00
negative pages 5 x 7 frames = 15.00
sharpie fine pen
Pointer: Focus on the eyes.
Objectives for class: functions, processing, printing.
Portfolio assignment: lecture notes spell checked, critique 15 pictures, no Ansel Adams.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Web site: ephotozine
Camera store: Camera Arts 57th & H Street,
hours Monday - Saturday 9 am - 6 pm, 10% student discount.
Bring in cameras to check meters and shutters.
Film comes in 12, 24, and 36 exposure rolls.
To take a picture requires: 1)light, 2) film (storage), 3) camera lens.
Loading film can be automatic or manual.
Light goes through the lens onto the film.
Don't open photo paper in the light.
Film canisters: keep in cans, protected.
Film: keep cool, dry. You can freeze.
Film: made of polyester. dull side = image side.
Bring your camera with you.
Always carry spare film, batteries.
Films: Kodak Tri-X, Tmax, Ilford HP5, all have same process time.
Camera strap: wrap around arm, if not around neck.
Hold camera with elbows in.
Focus with left hand.
Filters: from cheap ($7.95) to very expensive.
Skylight filter, slightly pink $15-20, or UV yellow.
Filter brands include Tiffen, Hoya, B&W, Schneider.
Lens hood: protection, shade.
Camera bag.
Soft cloth, or shirt: use circular motion when cleaning lens.
Back cap: for lens when off camera.
1) Manual focus: auto focus doesn't work in dark or all white situations.
Turn off auto focus.
Look at eyes for focus.
2) Correct exposure: 150 /ASA 400
3) Composition.
Taking picture: press button, mirror goes up, curtain up, curtain down, mirror down.
Shutter Speed: affects how much light hits the film.
seconds | 1 | 1/2 | 1/4 | 1/8 | 1/15 | 1/30 |
1/60 | 1/125 | 1/250 | 1/500 | 1/1000 |
longer <----------------------------------------------------> shorter
more light, show motion <------------------------> less light, stop motion
Aperture = amount of light though the lens.
Exposure = aperture + shutter speed.
f/1.4 | f/2 | f/2.8 | f/4 | f/5.6 |
f/8 | f/11 | f/16 | f/22 |
more light <----------->less light
1 stop of light between f/1.4 and f/2 (for example).
"Open up" = more light (to the left).
Some cameras have half stops.
Suggested reading: shutter speed, exposure.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Taking a picture
Feet together,elbows in, right hand holding camera, left hand focusing.
Fill view with subject.
No hanging straps: wrap around right arm.
Make viewfinder your canvas.
Shutter Speeds
seconds | 1 | 1/2 | 1/4 | 1/8 | 1/15 | 1/30 |
1/60 | 1/125 | 1/250 | 1/500 | 1/1000 |
slower (more time) <----------------------------> faster (less time)
more light <--------------------------------------> less light
"bulletproof" <----------------------------> negative is "thin"
Focus with aperture wide open.
f/1.4 | f/2 | f/2.8 | f/4 | f/5.6 |
f/8 | f/11 | f/16 | f/22 |
lighter/more light <-------------> darker, less light
Sunny rule of thumb: f/16 @ 1/500
Equivalent exposure: f/11 @ 1/1000
1/30 @ f/11 = 1/125 @ f/5.6
Shutter speed + aperture = exposure
In general, adjust aperture
Half stops: "between 4 and 5.6
Overexposure is better than underexposure.
Most cameras have meters.
Blink = something wrong.
Shutter priority = Tv = set shutter speed, then camera determines aperture.
Use grey card or meter your hand.
Loading Camera
Manual: advance 2 exposures.
Most photographers are either technical or artistic.
Film Processing
Most modern film have bar codes along top sprockets for automated processing.
1) developing time at 2) temperature plus 3) agitation = properly developed negative.
Things go wrong = no picture, too dark, too light.
Chemistry used in this class: D-76.
Agitate each minute during developing.
Developing tank hold 2 or 4 reels (stainless steel).
Cut tongue of film with scissors.
Roll film onto reel with shiny side out.
Load reels in total darkness.
Wash hands prior to loading reels.
Pour straight developer (no dilution) into developing tank.
Tap to remove bubbles, before agitation (3X).
Stop bath = water (2X).
Photo flow: to prevent spotting.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Good picture = exposure + light + composition + good film processing.
Cut or rip tongue off end of film.
Shiny side out.
Flex, don't bend to get film onto reel.
Film Speeds
ASA 50 100 200 400 800 1600
less sensitive <------> more sensitive
less grain <---------> more grain
more tonal range <------> less tonal range
Push = develop longer.
Pull = develop shorter time.
Grain vs. acuity (sharpness)
black <---- grey -----> white
Kodak D-76 process fine grain developer.
developer too hot = more grain, over processing (dense) bulletproof.
Good exposure = maximum black with detail, well defined white.
Exposure + development + composition = good picture.
Review: 1) shutter speed, 2) aperture, 3) film speed,
4) hold camera steadily, 5) filters, 6. Focus on eyes.
Get closer.
Use Portrait view for portraits.
Fill your view.
Portraits: camera can be level, above or below the subject.
Parts closer to the camera will appear larger.
Shoot people level.
Exposed film + chemicals: dependant on 1) temperature, 2) strength, 3) agitation.
Strength depends on freshness/age of solution.
Chemicals can last 6 months in stoppered bottle.
More you use = less strength, yellows.
Film box will have recommendations.
Wants: clear developer, temperature consistent, open film in total darkness.
Fixer is ammonia based.
Photo flow is a mild detergent.
Next week bring: negative pages, loupe.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Developing Film
Need: 1 roll film, negative page.
Camera: film <-- shutter <-- lens <-- light
Enlarger: timer connected to light above film holder.
Light is projected onto paper.
Start with aperture wide open, brightest f/4.
Contact sheet: negative page 5 frames by 7 rows.
Time + f/stop + height = exposure to paper.
Next week: contact sheets, read about enlarging.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Contact Sheet
Negative page (5 x 7 frames) placed on top of 8 x 10 photo paper.
Pearl paper= smooth back, pearl front.
Place paper into machine shiny side down.
Enlarger - Omega
Lever on left.
Negative holder - 1 frame.
Bellows f/4 to f/16.
Base board at base.
Exposure = time + f/stop.
Suggested: 10 seconds at f/8.
Focomat enlarger.
Height knob on right.
Filter knobs on left.
Pin on top, pull up to remove filters from light path.
Negative carrier below filter.
Lens below negative carrier.
White test: not enough light = bullet proof.
Dark test: close down.
Test Strip
10 secs | [ ] | 2+2+2+2+2 |
8 secs | [ ] | 2+2+2+2 |
6 secs | [ ] | 2+2+2 |
4 secs | [ ] | 2+2 |
2 secs | [ ] | 2 |
Contrast = range of tones between black and white.
Fog = low contrast: lot of grey, no real whites or blacks.
Too much contrast = too much black and white, little grey.
Adjust contrast: use Ilford multigrade filter, or Kodak polycontrast.
Filter under lens:
0 | 1/2 | 1 | 1-1/2 | 2 |
2-1/2 | 3 | 3-1/2 | 4 | 4-1/2 | 5 |
less contrast <--------> more contrast
Start with 2-1/2 filter.
Focomat: C = cyan: set to 0, M = magenta set 0 - 180.
Write on back of prints: time, f/stop, filter.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Starting October 5th lab at 5 pm, lecture at 6:30.
10/12 landscape
10/19 action = movement or convey movement: stops fast motion or blurring object.
10/26 close up < 2 feet
11/2 building exterior (entire building)
11/9 Halloween
Earn 5 points/picture, 1 week late = 4 points, 2 weeks = 3 points, 3 weeks = 0 points.
Future lectures: composition, history, action, night.
1) Printing - contrast
2) Put negative in enlarger.
3) Easel example: 8 x 10 paper with 1/4 inch border = 7-1/2 x 9-1/2 picture size.
Easel 14 x 17 adjustable: 3 slots: 7 inch, 10 inch, 14 inch.
Start with f/8 on an Omega, f/5.6 on focomat.
Low <-------------------> high
fog <-------------------> black and white only
Contrast filters
0 | 1/2 | 1 | 1-1/2 | 2 |
2-1/2 | 3 | 3-1/2 | 4 | 4-1/2 | 5 |
Start at 2-1/2 filter.
Changing from #2 filter to #3 = 1 stop.
Suggestion: keep time consistent at 10 secs.
Time + f/stop + filter.
Slide show: Ben's portfolio.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
5 points each.
Later assignments include portrait, interior (flash, available light)
Action = show movement/motion, or stop motion
Close-up = within 2 feet.
Landscape = nature.
Slide show: Action.
Next week: Depth of field.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Depth of Field
How deep focus is.
Shallow depth of field = only one distance in focus.
Wide depth of field = many distances in focus, to infinity and beyond.
F stop: f/2 shallower <-----> f/16 more depth of field.
Selective focusing = shallow depth of field = one object in focus.
Wide lens (< 50 mm) = more depth of field.
Super wide lens 17 - 20 - 24 mm = even more depth of field.
Telephoto lens > 85 mm = less depth of field.
Macro lens, close up lens = less depth of field.
Landscape due today.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
No lecture today.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Available Light (low light)
Exposure: slow exposure.
Hand held: 1/30 second or faster.
Tripod for slower exposures.
Shutter release cord -- about $10.
Normal speed film: Tri-X, HP5, Tmax 400 ASA.
High speed film: 3200 ASA, Kodak P3200, Ilford Delta 3200, Fujis 1600.
Grainier, but ok sharpness.
Do not use in bright sunlight.
Push processing = longer.
Example: 400ASA for 8 minutes at 68°F.
To: 1600 ASA for 12-13 minutes.
Spotting = painting on photos to cover scratches, etc.
Spotting tone: #3 neutral grey.
Brush: 0 or 00.
Next Week
Portrait lecture
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Be comfortable to make subject at ease.
Sit up or stand up straight.
Thin, small people in front.
Bigger people in back.
Smile, say cheese, velveeta for groups.
Turn people slightly, but have them face the camera.
Short telephoto 85 - 135 mm.
Wide angle 28 - 35 - 50 mm for groups.
Groups: use a tripod.
Environmental Portrait = subject is working.
11/9 Halloween picture due.
11/16 Interior (available light).
11/23 Portrait.
11/30 no lecture.
12/7 Portfolio due.
12/14 Final, pick up portfolio.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Shoot from above or below: whatever is closer to camera is bigger.
Use short telephoto lens.
Group photos: focus 2/5 of the way in.
Lens: 28-35 mm for large groups.
Lens < 24 mm: sides of the picture get stretched.
Squeeze people together, have them stand straight.
Tell the group, "if you can't see the camera, you won't be in the picture."
Studio Demo
More makeup.
Wear simple outfits that are not distracting.
Chin level or down.
Body turned.
Couple face slightly toward each other.
Group: shortest in front to tallest/largest in rear.
11/16 interior due: available light or flash.
11/23 portrait due.
11/30 lab only, not assignment due.
12/7 portfolio due, no lab.
12/14 final, no lab.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Night Photography
n - 2 |
n - 1 |
n |
n + 1 |
n + 2 |
People tend to underexpose.
Tripod: 3 legged.
Aluminum, graphite too expensive.
Cable release: manual or electric. Avoids jarring camera.
Reciprocity: longer exposures need to be opened up more.
2 min. <--- 30 secs <---- 1 secs <---- 1/2 secs <---- 1/2000
2 stops ------ 1 stop ------ 1/2 stop |--- normal range -----|
B setting (bulb) on when pressed.
T setting (time) press turns on shutter, press again to turn off.
1 secs | f/2.8 |
2 secs | f/4 |
4 secs | f/5.6 |
8 secs | f/8 |
15 secs | f/11 |
32 secs | f/16 |
11/23 portrait is due. Also, bring in 1 favorite photo.
11/30 last lab, no lecture.
12/7 portfolio due.
8/17 ~ 8/24 ~
8/31 ~ 9/7 ~
9/14 ~ 9/21 ~
9/28 ~ 10/5 ~
10/12 ~ 10/19 ~
10/26 ~11/2~
11/9 ~ 11/16 ~
Glass or plastic that blocks part of the light spectrum.
Color of filter will make that color lighter in tone.
Yellow: darken sky, add 1 stop
Orange: darker sky, add 1-1/2 stops
Red: darkest sky, add 2-1/2 stops
Green: lighten foliage, add 1 stop
Blocks light at 90° from lens, reduces glare, darkens sky, cost $20-100.
Use with color or black & white.
Linear polarizer filter throws off Canon meters.
Circular polarizer filters.
Filters are made out of plastic, brass, some with glass/plastic/glass layers, or dyed glass.
Filter brands: Hoya, Tiffen, B&W, Cokin scratches easily.
Canon filters are OK, Nikon filters are better.
Sizes: use step-down, for example, to put a 58 mm filter on a 52 mm lens.
Special Filters
Soft focus: glass w/diffusion.
Soft net helps blemishes for portraits, nudes.
Diffuser: fog, for landscapes.
Close-up filter.
Gradual filter: darken sky only.
Star filters.
Neutral Density (ND) cut down light 1 stop to 4 stops.
Glasses on people: move lights or person.
The Darkroom, Elvas and 63rd Street, $10/hour + per print