<% 'Response.Buffer=true Dim objConnection, rst Dim strSQL, intView, intInc, fNewrec, strIP strPagename = "sarah/default" strIP=Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") Set objConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConnection.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=f:\home\bennb\notyourdomain.com\www\database\tally.mdb" Set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") '------- read the visitor table -------- strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblvisitor WHERE ((ip='" & strIP & "'));" rst.Open strSQL, objConnection if rst.EOF then fNewRec=True intInc=1 intView=0 else fNewRec=False intView=rst("view") if DateDiff("n",rst("lasttime"),Now)>20 then intInc=1 else intInc=0 end if end if intView=intView+intInc rst.Close '-------------- write visitor table ----------- if fNewRec then strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblvisitor (ip,firsttime,lasttime,pagename,view) VALUES ('" strSQL=strSQL & strIP & "',#" & Now & "#,#" & Now & "#,'" & strPagename & "'," & intView & ");" else strSQL = "UPDATE tblvisitor SET lasttime=#" & Now & "#,pagename='" & strPagename &"',view=" & intView & " WHERE (ip='" & strIP & "');" end if objConnection.execute(strSQL) '-------------- read visitor ip, set cookie ---------- strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblvisitor WHERE ((ip='" & strIP & "'));" rst.Open strSQL, objConnection if rst.EOF then else Response.Cookies("visitor")("id")=rst("id") Response.Cookies("visitor").Expires=Now+30 end if rst.Close '------------- read page table -------------------------- strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblpageview WHERE (pagename = '" & strPagename & "');" rst.Open strSQL, objConnection if rst.EOF then fNewrec=True intView=1 else fNewrec=false intView=rst("view")+intInc end if rst.Close '----------- write page table ----------- if fNewrec then strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblpageview (pagename,view) VALUES ('" & strPagename & "'," & trim(intView) & ");" else strSQL = "UPDATE tblpageview SET view='" & trim(intView) & "' WHERE (pagename='" & strPagename & "');" end if objConnection.execute(strSQL) %> the next generation

The next generation has arrived.

Peggy and Benn have a baby.

Sarah Jane

is her name.

Today is <% =WeekdayName(Weekday(Date)) %>, <% =Day(Date) %>  <% =MonthName(Month(Date)) %>  <% =Year(Date) %>. Sarah Jane is <% =DateDiff("d",#3/9/01#,Date) %> days old today, which is <% =DateDiff("w",#3/9/01#,Date) %> weeks old, which is <% =DateDiff("m",#3/9/01#,Date)-1 %> months old.

Picture Album

year four
sammies, 12 August 2005 new page
fairies, 10 August 2005 new page
train town, 6 August 2005 new page
the beach, 5 August 2005 new page
the coast, 4 August 2005 new page
the skunk, 3 August 2005 new page
the beach, 2 August 2005 new page
mumbo gumbo, 30 July 2005 new page
zoo, 26 July 2005 new page
fairies, 20 July 2005 new page
zooies, 19 July 2005 new page
the beach, 17 July 2005 new page
home, 11 July 2005 new page
zooies, 5 July 2005 new page
fireworks, 4 July 2005 new page
visiting aunt and cousins, 3 July 2005 new page
barbecue, 2 July 2005 new page
birthday party, 26 June 2005 new page
pops in the park, 25 June 2005 new page
mumbo gumbo, 19 June 2005 new page
heritage festival, 5 June 2005 new page
backyard swim, 4 June 2005 new page
backyard swim, 3 June 2005 new page
ione park, 29 May 2005 new page
sammies, 27 May 2005 new page
rose park, 26 May 2005 new page
another party, 21 May 2005 new page
mumbo gumbo, 20 May 2005 new page
grandpa's birthday, 15 May 2005 new page
uncle and aunt's birthday, 11 May 2005 new page
mumbo gumbo, 3 May 2005 new page
circus, 24 April 2005 new page
wiggling, 19 April 2005 new page
new trike, 10 April 2005 new page
las vegas, 6 April 2005 new page
childrens museum, 5 April 2005 new page
park, 4 April 2005 new page
train station, 3 April 2005 new page
at home, 28 March 2005 new page
purim, 24 March 2005 new page
at home, 17 March 2005 new page
fourth birth day, 9 March 2005 new page
year three and a half
family birthday party, 7 March 2005 new page
more birthday party, 6 March 2005 new page
birthday party, 6 March 2005 new page
Great Gramma's birthday, 27 February 2005 new page
princess, 20 February 2005 new page
cold yard, 12 February 2005 new page
Gramma's birthday, 6 February 2005 new page
flea market, 30 January 2005 new page
nature centre, 23 January 2005 new page
zoo, 17 January 2005 new page
Channukkah gifts, 2 January 2005 new page
princess, 27 December 2004 new page
party, 24 December 2004 new page
Channukkah gifts, 22 December 2004 new page
family portrait, 19 December 2004 new page
Channukkah, last night, 14 December 2004
Channukkah, 6th night, 12 December 2004
Channukkah, 5th night, 11 December 2004
Channukkah, 4th night, 10 December 2004
Channukkah, 3rd night, 9 December 2004
Channukkah, 3rd day, 9 December 2004
Channukkah, 2nd night, 8 December 2004
Channukkah, 1st night, 7 December 2004
cemetary play, 28 November 2004
backyard play, 26 November 2004
giving thanks, 25 November 2004
cemetary play, 21 November 2004
train station, 14 November 2004
railroad museum, 7 November 2004
another park day, 6 November 2004
park day, 2 November 2004
pumpkin patch, 30 October 2004
orange pumpkin patch, 30 October 2004
aunt daisy, 24 October 2004
birthday party, 21 October 2004
bike trailer, 15 October 2004
railroad museum, 11 October 2004
columbia, 10 October 2004
neighbors fair, 2 October 2004
company picnic, 30 September 2004
brew festival, 18 September 2004
second real camping trip, 12 September 2004
big top circus, 10 September 2004
year three
gold rush days, 6 September 2004
big bicycle, 2 September 2004
state fair day, 21 August 2004
food festival, 14 August 2004
swim fun, 13 August 2004
swim class, 4 August 2004
zooie evening, 27 July 2004
old fort, 25 July 2004
zooie evening, 20 July 2004
fairie town concert, 14 July 2004
pops in the park, 10 July 2004
new tricycle, 10 July 2004
swim class, 8 July 2004
swim class, 6 July 2004
virginia city day, 5 July 2004
fireworks beach evening, 4 July 2004
tahoe play afternoon, 4 July 2004
ms dixie morning, 4 July 2004
echo lake, 3 July 2004
zooie evening, 29 June 2004
kiddie pool day, 27 June 2004
mumbo gumbo day, 26 June 2004
first real camping, 26 June 2004
zooie evening, 22 June 2004
park day, 22 June 2004
jackie greene evening, 19 June 2004
zooie evening, 15 June 2004
birthday party, 13 June 2004
sammie evening, 11 June 2004
zooie evening, 8 June 2004
new sand box day, 3 June 2004
zooie evening, 1 June 2004
train day, 31 May 2004
backyard camping, 30 May 2004
gymboree day, 23 May 2004
mumbo gumbo day, 21 May 2004
Abba's shoes, 14 May 2004
backyard day, 10 May 2004
circus day, 8 May 2004
pooh's friends at mousetown, 3 May 2004
rides, 1 May 2004
drives, 1 May 2004
adventures, 1 May 2004
merry-go-rounds, 1 May 2004
princesses at mousetown, 1 May 2004
characters at mousetown, 1 May 2004
Emma at mousetown, 30 April 2004
family at mousetown, 30 April 2004
save tower day, 29 April 2004
park day, 24 April 2004
byctw day, 22 April 2004
Pesach, 5 April 2004
anniversary party day, 28 March 2004
First Skate Day, 26 March 2004
Grandpa Visit Day, 22 March 2004
Fairytale Town Day, 14 March 2004
Birthday Party Day, 14 March 2004
Chemistry Day, 13 March 2004
Dog Day, 12 March 2004
Birthday Ice Cream Day, 10 March 2004
Pancake Day, 9 March 2004
month thirty five
Purim Carnival, 7 March 2004
Purim Evening, 6 March 2004
Little Zoo Day, 29 February 2004
Shlock Rock, 23 February 2004
Mardi Gras, 22 February 2004
Nevada Day, 16 February 2004
First Snow Day, 15 February 2004
Day Care, 11 February 2004
New Camera Day, 9 February 2004
month thirty four
Gramma's Birthday Party, 8 February 2004
First Dentist Day, 27 January 2004
Aunt Daisy Day, 10 January 2004
month thirty three
Fish Hatchery Day, 4 January 2004
Sit and Spin Day, 29 December 2003
Channukkah, 7th night, 25 December 2003
Channukkah, 6th night, 24 December 2003
Channukkah, 5th night, 23 December 2003
Channukkah, 4th night, 22 December 2003
Channukkah, 3rd night, 21 December 2003
Channukkah, 2nd night, 20 December 2003
month thirty two
thanks giving, 27 November 2003
leaf play, 23 November 2003
month thirty one
party day, 4 November 2003
picnic day, 24 October 2003
makeup day, 20 October 2003
Pumpkin Express, 19 October 2003
month twenty-nine
Oregon travels, 5 September 2003
Granville Island, 3 September 2003
Grouse Mountain, 2 September 2003
Stanley Park, 1 September 2003
Uncle Zippy's, 31 August 2003
road trip, 30 August 2003
birthday party, 23 August 2003
board walk, 10 August 2003
month twenty-eight
another swimming class, 5 August 2003
another zoo, 3 August 2003
blues festival, 12 July 2003
fourth swimming lesson, 10 July 2003
third swimming lesson, 9 July 2003
month twenty-seven
second swimming lesson, 8 July 2003
first swimming lesson, 7 July 2003
Mumbo Gumbo at the zoo, 24 June 2003
more ghost town hunting, 22 June 2003
ghost town hunt, 21 June 2003
ghost train, 20 June 2003
Jackie Greene at the zoo, 17 June 2003
Granddad visit, 15 June 2003
city cemetery tour, 13 June 2003
walking, 12 June 2003
piano play, 25 May 2003
month twenty-six
county fair, 11 May 2003
circus, 10 May 2003
month twenty-five
carnival, 4 May 2003,
playground, 27 April 2003
earth day, 26 April 2003
year two
blues festival, 6 April 2003
birthday celebration, 30 March 2003 picnic, zoo visit
purim evening, 17 March 2003
birthday zoo day, 9 March 2003
month twenty-three
second birthday, 8 March 2003
geocaching day, 23 February 2003
month twenty-two
Gramma's birthday, 8 February 2003
another museum day, 12 January 2003
month twenty-one
New Years Eve, 31 December 2002
tissue box, 23 December 2002
train museum day, 21 December 2002
month twenty
fairy tale day, 7 December 2002
Chanukah, 5 December 2002
Chanukah, 1 December 2002
Thanksgiving Day, 28 November 2002
nose crayon night, 25 November 2002
month nineteen
busy little bee, 31 October 2002
Grandpa Visit, 27 October 2002
Mom's Birthday, 20 October 2002
Menace Afternoon, 18 October 2002
Beach Morning, 18 October 2002
Aquarium Day, 17 October 2002
Coast Hike Day, 16 October 2002
Sea Lion Day, 15 October 2002
Beach Day, 13 October 2002
      Sand Crawl, Wet Feet, Sand Dig
Big Trees Train Day, 12 October 2002
Gabe's Birthday, 9 October 2002
Month Eighteen
Mumbo Gumbo Day, 6 October 2002
More Mumbo Gumbo Day, 6 October 2002
Retirement Day, 26 September 2002
Month Sixteen
Childrens Zoo Day, 28 July 2002
Big Zoo Day, 28 July 2002
First Spoon, 16 July 2002
Month Fifteen
Napping, 15 June 2002
Bullet Show, 20 June 2002
Ghost Town Rally, 16 June 2002
Ghost Town Rally, 15 June 2002
Month Fourteen
Heritage Festival, 2 June 2002
More Heritage Festival
Unity Walk, 27 May 2002
Month Thirteen
BYCTW Day, 25 April 2002
Earth Day, 20 April 2002
Month Twelve
Visiting Grandpa, 7 April 2002
On The Carpet, 18 March 2002
Soggy Cheerios, 16 March 2002
First Birthday Party, 10 March 2002:
      Page 1, Page 2, Page 3
First Birthday, 9 March 2002
Month Eleven
Purim Carnival, 24 February 2002
Month Ten
First Tooth Brushing Day, 3 February 2002
Uncle Marty Day, 25 January 2002
Month Nine
Visiting Day, 24 December 2001
First Night of Hanukkah, 9 December 2001
Month Eight
Visiting Day, 8 December 2001
Messy Day, 11 November 2001
Food, 1 November 2001
Month Seven
New Highchair Day, 23 October 2001
Rachel Nevada Day, 18 October 2001
Extraterrestrial Highway Day, 18 October 2001
Month Six
Cabin Day, 30 September 2001
Picnic Day, 21 September 2001
Mumbo Gumbo Day, 16 September 2001
Month Five
Dough Play Day, 31 August 2001
Shaving Cream Day, 26 August 2001
Wedding Day, 25 August 2001
Foot Painting Day, 22 August 2001
New Camera Day, 21 August 2001
Mommy and Me Day, 16 August 2001
Auntie Daisy Day, 12 August 2001
Month Four
Wedding Day, 5 August 2001
Beach Moment, 4 August 2001
Train Days, 2 August 2001
New Crib Day, 31 July 2001
Icehouse Day, 29 July 2001
Local Bar Day, 11 July 2001
Month Three
Grand Dads Day, 24 June 2001
Mumbo Gumbo Day, 18 June 2001
Fathers Day, 17 June 2001
Lazy Day, June 2001
Month Two
Sunday, 27 May 2001
Fashion Show, May 2001
Wednesday, 23 May 2001
Monday, 21 May 2001
Sunday, 13 May 2001
Saturday, 12 May 2001
Bath Day, May 2001
Week Seven
Wednesday, 2 May 2001
Tuesday, 1 May 2001
Monday, 30 April 2001
Friday, 27 April 2001
Week Six
Sunday, 22 April 2001
Saturday, 21 April 2001
Friday, 20 April 2001
Week Five
Thursday, 19 April 2001
Wednesday, 18 April 2001
Tuesday, 17 April 2001
Monday, 16 April 2001
Sunday, 15 April 2001
Saturday, 14 April 2001
Friday, 13 April 2001
Week Four
Thursday, 12 April 2001
Wednesday, 11 April 2001
Tuesday, 10 April 2001
Monday, 9 April 2001
Sunday, 8 April 2001
Saturday, 7 April 2001
Friday, 6 April 2001
Week Three
Friday, 30 March 2001
Saturday, 31 March 2001
Sunday, 1 April 2001
Monday, 2 April 2001
Tuesday, 3 April 2001
Wednesday, 4 April 2001
Thursday, 5 April 2001
Week Two
Thursday, 29 March 2001
Wednesday, 28 March 2001
Tuesday, 27 March 2001
Monday, 26 March 2001
Sunday, 25 March 2001
Saturday, 24 March 2001
Friday, 23 March 2001
Week One
Thursday, 22 March 2001
Wednesday, 21 March 2001
Tuesday, 20 March 2001
Monday, 19 March 2001
Sunday, 18 March 2001
Saturday, 17 March 2001
Friday, 16 March 2001
Week Zero
Thursday, 15 March 2001
Wednesday, 14 March 2001
Tuesday, 13 March 2001
Monday, 12 March 2001
Sunday, 11 March 2001
Saturday, 10 March 2001
Friday, 9 March 2001

Peggy and Benn delivered a baby

Sarah Jane was born 10 weeks early. Mom was able to return home the day after delivery. Sarah came home 22 April 2001.

Date of Birth: 14 Adar 5761 (9 March 2001)
Time: 2101 G.M.T. (1:01 p.m. Pacific Standard Time)
Weight: 1190 grams (2 pounds, 10 ounces)
Length: 40 centimeters (15.5 inches)

The new baby was expected to enter this world about <% =DateDiff("d", #5/23/01#, Date) %> days, or <% =DateDiff("w", #5/23/01#, Date) %> weeks ago.

Ultrasound Pictures


e-mail address e-mail Sarah
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